8-Bit General Purpose Enhanced Performance SV MCUs

Block Diagram

Freescale S08SV Microcontroller Block Diagram

Freescale S08SV Microcontroller Block Diagram


8-bit HCS08 Central Processing Unit (CPU)

  • Up to 20 MHz internal bus (40 MHz HCS08 core) frequency with 2.7V to 5.5V operation across temperature range of -40°C to +85°C

On-Chip Memory

  • Up to 16K flash read/program/erase across entire operating voltage and temperature ranges
  • Up to 1024 bytes random access memory (RAM)
  • Security circuitry

Power-Saving Modes

  • Two-low power stop modes, reduced-power wait mode

Clock Source Options

  • Oscillator (XOSC) clock source options include oscillator, crystal or ceramic resonator
  • Up to 20 MHz internal clock source (ICS) module


  • Interrupt priority controller (IPC
  • Analog-to-digital converter (ADC)
    • 12-channel
    • 10-bit resolution
  • Timer/pulse-width modulator module (TPM)
    • 1 x 6-channel
    • 1 x 2-channel
  • MTIM16—One 16-bit modulo timer with optional prescaler
  • SCI module with optional 13-bit break, LIN extensions
  • SPI module in 8-bit data length modes with a receive data buffer hardware match function
  • I²C module capable of up to 100 kbps operation with maximum bus loading
  • Analog comparator (ACMP) with option to compare to internal reference
  • Real time counter (RTC)


  • Up to 30 general purpose input/output (GPIO) pins
    • one input-only pin
    • one outputonly pin
  • KBI—8-pin keyboard interrupt module

System Protection

  • Watchdog computer operating properly (COP) module can be reset with option to run from dedicated 1 kHz internal clock source or bus clock
  • Low-voltage detection with reset or interrupt, selectable trip points
  • Illegal opcode detection with reset
  • Illegal address detection with reset
  • Flash block protection

Development Support

  • Single-wire background debug interface
  • Breakpoint setting capability
  • On-chip in-circuit emulator (ICE) debug module
    • two comparators
    • nine trigger points

Part numbers include: MC9S08SV16CLC.



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