EdgeLock® A5000 Plug and Trust Secure Authenticator: Authentication Made Secure, Scalable and Easy
The EdgeLock A30 is a ready-to-use, Common Criteria EAL 6+ certified secure authenticator that includes advanced security mechanisms, including AVA_VAN.5, with symmetric and asymmetric crypto. It has an I²C target for easy connection to MCUs/MPUs and scales quickly to high volumes, so manufacturers can quickly deliver IoT devices and accessories. The EdgeLock A30 meets the need for secure accessory and device authentication in a range of markets, while also satisfying new and upcoming regulatory requirements for security, protection and sustainability, including Digital Product Passport.
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Certified EdgeLock Assurance
Certified EdgeLock Assurance is the mark of security by design. An independent lab has certified the security of this product, which is designed to comply with industry standards.
Common Criteria EAL 6+ Certification
Common Criteria EAL 6+ certified.
IoT Security Use Cases
From sensor data protection in industrial plants, secure Wi-Fi connections in smart homes to controlled access to industrial networks - trust NXP’s EdgeLock A30 to help secure your application.
EdgeLock 2GO
If you are looking for options to provision the EdgeLock A30 or onboard your IoT device to the cloud, checkout NXP’s secure and flexible EdgeLock 2GO IoT service platform.
EdgeLock NX Software Packages
The GitHub software packages are the middleware package for generic use cases. It contains examples, tools and additional documentation and is updated regularly.
EdgeLock® A5000 Plug and Trust Secure Authenticator: Authentication Made Secure, Scalable and Easy
EdgeLock® SE052F: Secure Element with FIPS 140-3 Level 3 Certification
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Receive the full breakdown. See the product footprint and more in the eCad file.
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