Kinetis® K22-100 MHz, Cost Effective, Full-Speed USB Microcontrollers (MCUs) based on Arm® Cortex®-M4 Core

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Block Diagram

Kinetis K22 MCU Family Block Diagram

Kinetis K22 MCU Family Block Diagram



  • Run power consumption down to 200 µA/MHz
  • Flexible low-power modes with power and clock gating for optimal peripheral activity and recovery times
  • Static power consumption down to 2.1 µA with full state retention and 4 µS wakeup. Lowest static mode down to 250 nA.
  • Low-power timer for continual system operation in reduced power state


  • 100 MHz Arm® Cortex®-M4 core with DSP instructions, delivering 1.25 Dhrystone MIPS per MHz

Memories and memory interfaces

  • 128 KB of embedded flash and 24 KB of RAM
  • Serial programming interface (EzPort)

System peripherals

  • Flexible low-power modes with multiple wake up sources
  • 4-channel DMA controller
  • Independent External and Software Watchdog monitor


  • Two crystal oscillators: 32 kHz (RTC) and 32-40 kHz or 3-32 MHz
  • Three internal oscillators: 32 kHz, 4 MHz, and 48 MHz
  • Multi-purpose clock generator with FLL

Security and integrity modules

  • Hardware CRC module
  • 128-bit unique identification (ID) number per chip
  • Flash access control to protect proprietary software

Human-machine interface

  • Up to 67 general-purpose I/O (GPIO)

Analog modules

  • Two 16-bit SAR ADCs
  • One 12-bit DAC
  • Two analog comparators (CMP) with 6-bit DAC
  • Accurate internal voltage reference

Communication interfaces

  • USB full/low-speed On-the-Go controller with on-chip transceiver
  • Two SPI modules
  • Three UART modules and one low-power UART
  • Two I²C: Support for up to 1 Mbit/s operation with maximum bus loading
  • I²S module


  • One 8-channel motor control/general purpose/ PWM timer
  • Two 2-channel general purpose timers with quadrature decoder functionality
  • Periodic interrupt timers
  • 16-bit low-power timer
  • Real-time clock with independent power domain
  • Programmable delay block

Operating Characteristics

  • Voltage range: 1.71 to 3.6 V
  • Flash write voltage range: 1.71 to 3.6 V
  • Temperature range (ambient): -40 to 105°C

Part numbers include: MK22FN128VDC10, MK22FN128VLH10, MK22FN128VLL10, MK22FN128VMP10.



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