The BGU7060 is a fully integrated analog-controlled variable gain amplifier module. Its low noise and high linearity performance makes it ideal for sensitive receivers in cellular base station applications. The BGU7060 is operating in the 699 MHz to 748 MHz frequency range and has a gain control range of 35 dB. At maximum gain the noise figure is 0.71 dB. The gain is analog-controlled having maximum gain at 0 V and minimum gain at 3.3 V. The LNA can be bypassed extending the dynamic range. The BGU7060 is internally matched to 50 ohm, meaning no external matching is required, enabling ease of use. It is housed in a 16 pins 8 mm x 8 mm x 1.3 mm leadless HLQFN16R package SOT1301.
Part numbers include: BGU7060.
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