NXP provides the product pricing and availability on NXP.com.


Budgetary price.The budgetary price is the manufacturer's suggested resale price per unit in US Dollars for a quantity purchase of the number of units shown. All prices are provided for budgetary purpose only, shown in the United States, and are subject to change without notice. For specific volume quotations, please contact your local Authorized NXP Semiconductors Distributor or NXP Semiconductors Sales office.

Unit Pricing. You can also purchase directly from NXP. Purchasable products will have the "Add to cart" Add to cart button next to the device number and the unit pricing breakdown based on quantity. For more details, see the Buy from NXP and Samples Program FAQs.


The product availability is tied to the inventory levels and the Product Lifecycle (PLC) status.

When there's an available product to purchase, the availability will display' In Stock' side to the order details. If the product displays' Pending Stock', you can request a backorder and we'll provide the shipping details to you.

Viewing Budgetary Pricing and Availability

You can find and view budgetary pricing and part availability in either of two ways.

Method 1:

You know the part number or portion of the part number.

  1. Enter the part number or portion of the part number in the part number search box at the top right of this page or go to the Store.
  2. Status, availability and pricing are displayed in the results. Use related filters to narrow down your search criteria.

Method 2:

You don't have a part number but you know the product family to which the part belongs.

  1. Navigate to the desired product page by browsing our product portfolios.
  2. Select a product portfolio.
  3. From the destination page, navigate down through the product tree to the product page.
  4. On the product page, navigate down through the product tree to the product page.
  5. Status, availability and pricing are displayed.