Digital Signal Controller for Motor Control Applications

Block Diagram

56F801X Digital Signal Controller

NXP<sup>&#174;</sup> 56F801X Digital Signal Controller Block Diagram


  • DSP and MCU functionality in a unified, C-efficient architecture with up to 32 MIPS at 32 MHz core frequency
  • Up to 16 KB of Flash memory
  • Up to 4 KB of RAM
  • Integrated peripherals:
    • Up to 6-channel PWM module
    • Two up to 4-channel 12-bit ADCs
    • One serial communication interface (SCI) with LIN follower functionality
    • One serial peripheral interface (SPI)
    • One inter-integrated circuit (I²C) port
    • Up to 26 GPIOs
  • This product is included in Our product longevity program, with assured supply for a minimum of 10 years after launch

Part numbers include: MC56F8011VFAE, MC56F8013MFAE, MC56F8013VFAE, MC56F8014MFAE, MC56F8014VFAE, S56F8013W3MFAE.



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