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The NXP analog product development boards provide an easy-to-use platform for evaluating NXP products. The boards support a range of analog, mixed-signal and power solutions. They incorporate monolithic integrated circuits and system-in-package devices that use proven high-volume technology. NXP products offer longer battery life, a smaller form factor, reduced component counts, lower cost and improved performance in powering state-of-the-art systems.
This page will guide you through the process of setting up and using the TEA2376DK1011 programming kit.
The contenst of the TEA2376DK1011 include:
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In addition to the kit contents, the following hardware is necessary or beneficial when working with this kit.
RDK01DB1563 USB-I²C Programming Interface
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This board can be used for programming small series of TEA2376 samples.
Place an IC in the SO10 or SO14 socket. By connecting both the 3 pin and 6 pin connector to the USB-I²C programming interface, the different IC versions can be programmed after selecting the correct channel with the switch on the USB-I²C interface.
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The TEA2376 digital architecture is based on a high-speed configurable hardware state machine ensuring very reliable real-time performance.
Several parameters can easily be configured during evaluation with use of the graphical user interface (GUI) that's part of the TEA2376 Ringo software.
TEA2376 samples can be easily programmed using the TEA2376DB1604v3 board in connection with the RDK01DB1563 USB-I²C demo kit and the TEA2376 Ringo software.
The TEA2376DB1604 board is basically an IC connection board. It connects the I²C signals to the correct pins and supplies the IC VCC by 9 V via series regulator U4.
The SO10 IC socket can be used for the TEA2376AT version and the SO14 IC socket can be used for the TEA2376DT version.
The VCC voltage can be connected or disconnected by switch S1 when exchanging IC samples. A red light from LED D4 indicates that the VCC voltage is applied on the pins. Protection diodes D1 and D2 can help to limit overvoltage on the I²C connection when (dis)connecting the cables, for example.
Test points TP1 - TP4 can be used to measure the I²C communication signals.
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TEA2376 IC samples can be programmed by means of the TEA2376DB1604v3 board + I²C interface (RDK01DB1563). The selector switch on the I²C interface must be set in the right position prior to programming via the GATE pins or the SDA and SCL pins on the TEA2376DT SO14 IC version.
The I²C-USB interface with cables (RDK01DB1563 kit) can be used for several recent NXP power conversion controller ICs that have settings in MTP.
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