The GreenChip™II is the second generation of green Switched Mode Power Supply (SMPS) controller ICs. Its high level of integration allows the design of a cost effective power supply with a very low number of external components. The TEA1532(A)P; TEA1532(A)T can also be used in fixed frequency, Continuous Conduction Mode (CCM) converter designs for low voltage, high current applications. At low power (standby) levels, the system operates in cycle skipping mode which minimizes the switching losses during standby. The special built-in green functions allow the efficiency to be optimum at all power levels. This holds for quasi-resonant operation at high power levels, as well as fixed frequency operation with valley switching at medium power levels. At low power (standby) levels, the system operates in cycle skipping mode with valley detection.
Part numbers include: TEA1532AT.
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