Sewing Machine Motor Driver

Block Diagram

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Digital Control

Sewing Machine Motor Driver BD

Analog Control

Sewing Machine Motor Driver BD1

Supported Devices


I3C/I²C Digital Temp. Sensors


3.3 V / 5 V IO CAN Transceivers

Processors and Microcontrollers

32-Bit 56800EX/EF Core



  • 168 MHz Cortex-M4 core with DSP, floating point unit – improves performance in math-intensive applications (e.g., processing of sensorless FOC (field oriented control) algorithms)
  • 128-bit wide flash interface with a cache to minimize the number of wait states while executing fast control loops
  • 2x 12-bit, 16-channel ADCs with PGAs – 4.1 MSPS ideal for digital power conversion or for motor control applications
  • Up to 12 channel eFlexPWM – up to 312ps resolution for demanding digital power conversion applications
  • Up to 2 x 8-channel and 1 x 2-channel programmable FlexTimers – high-accuracy PWM generation with integrated power factor correction or speed sensor decoder (incremental decoder/hall sensor)
  • Quadrature encoder/decoder

Operating characteristics and Performance

  • Voltage range: 2.7 to 5.5 V
  • Flash write voltage range: 2.7 to 5.5 V
  • Temperature range (ambient): -40 to 105°C
  • Up to 48 MHz Arm® Cortex®-M0+ core
  • Single cycle 32-bit x 32-bit multiplier
  • Single cycle I/O access port


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