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The MCUXpresso SDK is complimentary and includes full source code under a permissive open-source license for all hardware abstraction and peripheral driver software.
Click below to download a pre-configured SDK release for the IoT module:
You can also use the online SDK Builder to create a custom SDK package using the SDK builder.
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NXP offers a complimentary toolchain called MCUXpresso IDE.
No problem! The MCUXpresso SDK includes support for other tools such as IAR , Keil and command-line GCC .
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The firmware on the Longsys GT1216 module used on the LPC54018 IoT Module requires a manual update to work correctly with MCUXpresso SDK releases starting from SDK 2.4.0. Follow these steps to perform the update.
host.exe COM30 flashotp_3_3_6.bin 845dd76f5e95 -b115200
is the LPC54018IoT Module (port J8
) CDC Virtual COM Port nameflashotp_3_3_6.bin
is the path to firmware binary845dd76f5e95
is the MAC address of the GT1216 module-b115200
is a communication baudrateNote: The COM port name can be found using the "Windows Device Manager". The MAC address of your WiFi IOE Module can be found in a label on top of the LPC54018IoT Module. The host.exe application cannot resolve COM port with number greater than 99; the Windows control panel may be used to override the COM port number assigned if necessary.
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Before beginning, you need an IAM user with permission to access AWS IoT and Amazon FreeRTOS. Click below for instructions on how to create a new user with such authorities.
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Amazon FreeRTOS - an open-source MCU operating system built on the FreeRTOS kernel, offers developers a universal connection to the Amazon Web Services (AWS) platform.
AWS IoT is an Amazon web service that provides secure, bi-directional communication between Internet-connected devices such as embedded micro-controllers and the AWS Cloud. AWS IoT provides a registry that helps you manage "things". A thing is a representation of a specific device or logical entity (for example, a light bulb, sprinkler, switch, etc). It can be a physical device or sensor.
Now it's time to use the AWS IoT service to create an IoT thing. Click in the button below for a step-by-step guide.
"Effect": "Allow",
"Action": "iot:*",
"Resource": "*"
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Use the MCUXpresso IDE to clone an AWS example project.
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Load your AWS IoT thing's credentials into the project and configure the Wi-Fi parameters.
and configure:
Note: You can locate your SDK_2.3.0_LPC54018-IoT-Module.zip file by right-clicking on your "Installed SDK" item and click on "Open Location".
Note: If no file is downloaded, allow blocked content in the explorer.
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Build your AWS IoT Shadow application using MCUXpresso IDE.
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Connect a debugger probe to your LPC54018 IoT Module.
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Download and run your AWS IoT Shadow application into the LPC54018 IoT Module.
Note: If the debugger did not stop in the main() function, press the "Restart" button in the debugger and then press "Run" again.
Note: if the IoT Module doesn't enumerate as a COM port try browsing for the driver at <SDK_PATH>\boards\lpc54018iotmodule\usb_examples\usb_device_cdc_vcom\inf
Note: The terminal will only run when the software is running. Stop, reset or halt will disable USB CDC.
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You will see your Thing's shadow being updated. Confirm communication to AWS IoT using the Terminal.
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Download Demo application integrating AWS and NXP components with Alexa from BlueWind Git .
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Create an IoT thing, private key, and certificate for your device