The next generation contactless chip module, MOB10, meets the constant demand toward miniaturization and thickness reduction with its ultra-thin design. NXP‘s MOB10 is the first industrial high-volume IC package that is compatible with existing document production infrastructure. The platform is the next step in thin and compatible modules.
MOB10 is the latest member of the MOB family. It is driving innovation for ID documents including electronic passports and electronic National IDs. MOB10 enables the shift of the electronic components from the passport cover to the polycarbonate data page.
More and more security features are added to today’s polycarbonate data pages. Security features like Multiple Laser Image (MLI) and Changeable Laser Image (CLI) require space within the layers of a data page. With MOB10, the electronic components of a data page are significantly reduced to a level where additional security features are possible.
Not only passports are changing, also electronic IDs like National IDs require thinner electronic components to enable adequate security features.
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