Bluetooth Low Energy/IEEE® 802.15.4 Packet Sniffer USB Dongle for Kinetis® KW40Z/30Z/20Z MCUs

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Product Details

Supported Devices

Wireless Connectivity

Multiprotocol MCUs

Bluetooth Low Energy




    Supports MKW40Z160VHT4, MKW30Z160VHM4, MKW20Z160VHT4 Kinetis® W MCUs

  • MK22FN512VMP12 MCU

Radio (RF) Features

  • High-performance 2.4 GHz transceiver supporting Bluetooth® Low Energy v4.1 and IEEE 802.15.4-2011
  • -91 dBm Bluetooth Low Energy and -102 dBm 802.15.4 receive sensitivity
  • Up to +5 dBm programmable transmit output power
  • 6.5 mA / 8.4 mA Rx/Tx power consumption (DC-to-DC enabled)
  • Chip antenna
  • Minimum number of matching components and external balun

Software/Protocol Stacks

  • Bluetooth Low Energy Host Stack and Application Profiles
  • Thread (end device only)
  • ZigBee Pro and Application Profiles
  • IEEE 802.15.4-2011 MAC/PHY
  • NXP Simple MAC (SMAC)


  • USB Type A Connector


  • OpenSDA debug interface

Buy Options


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  • USB-KW40Z

  • USB Dongle, Kinetis W MCU, KW40Z, KW30Z, KW20Z.

  • $103.50 USD
  • For a quantity of 1
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