
René Jansen
At NXP Semiconductors my specialization is communications for Research and Development. In that role I help the R&D management with developing communication strategies and key messaging. I also execute all kinds of communication activities, to all our target audiences: Press, customers, partners, government representatives and many other external parties. But also our own employees form an important target group. Media used are presentations/demos, internet and intranet, social media, newsletters, gatherings and events, brochures, direct mailings, video, surveys etcetera. My technical background as an engineer and technical manager allows me to easily relate to the content, as well as to the engineering world and its people. Expanding my scope from engineering to communications, about ten years ago, allowed me to develop competencies in creativity, in tailored message development, in copy-writing and event management, as well as in high level networking. Working directly for NXP's Chief Technology Officer and his management team, I operate at the heart of the R&D organization, close to strategy development and decision making. As one of Europe's top chip manufacturers, NXP is an extremely dynamic company. Business challenges can change overnight: never a dull moment!