Enhanced Time Processing Unit Motor Control Function Set

  • This page contains information on a product that is no longer manufactured (discontinued). Specifications and information herein are available for historical reference only.

Product Details


ind DC Motor Control Functions

  • PWMM - PWM Master
  • PWMF - PWM Full Range
  • PWMC - PWM Commutable
  • HD - Hall Decoder
  • QD - Quadrature Decoder
  • AS - Analog Sensing
  • SC - Speed Controller
  • CC - Current Controller
  • BC - Break Controller

AC Motor Control Functions

  • PWMM - PWM Master
  • PWMF - PWM Full Range
  • PWMC - PWM Commutable
  • QD - Quadrature Decoder
  • AS - Analog Sensing
  • SC - Speed Controller
  • BC - Break Controller
  • ACIMVHZ - AC Induction Motor Volts per Hertz control
  • PMSMVC - Permanent Magnet Synchronous Motor Vector Control
  • ACIMVC - AC Induction Motor Vector Control Current Loop


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