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Participating products are available for a minimum of 10 years. Designated participating products developed for the automotive, telecom and medical segments are available for a minimum of 15 years.
The NXP SJA1110 is a family of four pin-compatible and software-compatible automotive Ethernet Switch SoC offering a scalable solution for all automotive applications.
All SJA1110 variants come with hardware-assisted security and safety capabilities, multi-gigabit SGMII interfaces and the latest AVB and TSN standards.
NXP also offers a complete software package including SDK, AUTOSAR® drives and AVB synchronization stack.
SJA1110 is further optimized to work with the S32G vehicle networking processor to enable distributed firewall and Intrusion-Detection/Prevention Systems (IDPS) reaching unmatched levels of scalability and performance.
Participating products are available for a minimum of 10 years. Designated participating products developed for the automotive, telecom and medical segments are available for a minimum of 15 years.
SJA1105PEL/QEL/REL/SEL Series Ethernet Switches
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