Ultra-Low-Power, Highly Integrated MCU

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Block Diagram

K32 L2 MCU

K32 L2 MCU


Ultra Low-Power

  • Low-power Arm® Cortex®-M0+ core
  • Multiple low-power modes enabling the reduction of dynamic power consumption
  • Low-power serial peripheral interfaces supporting low-power operation modes without waking up the core

On-Chip Memory

  • 64 – 512 KB Flash Memory
  • 32 – 128 KB SRAM Memory
  • 16 – 32 KB ROM Memory with integrated bootloader

Connectivity and Communications

  • USB 2.0 Full Speed integrated with low-voltage regulator
  • 4-8 channel DMA for peripheral and memory servicing with reduced CPU loading
  • Up to three I2C, up to three LPUART and up to three SPI serial interfaces with DMA support
  • FlexIO interface with capability of emulating multiple serial interfaces
  • Segment LCD supporting up to 24x8 or 28x4 segments*


  • 16-bit ADC module with high accuracy internal voltage reference (Vref)
  • Up to two High-speed analog comparator containing a 6-bit DAC for programmable reference input
  • One 12-bit DAC
  • 1.2/2.1 V internal voltage reference


  • One 6-channel Timer/PWM module-
  • Two 2-channel Timer/PWM modules
  • Up to two low-power timer
  • Up to two Periodic interrupt timer
  • Real time clock

Human Machine Interface (HMI)

  • Capacitive touch sense interface supporting up to 16 external electrodes**
  • GPIO with pin interrupt support


  • Cryptographic acceleration unit supporting acceleration of DES, 3DES, AES, MD5, SHA-1 and SHA-256 algorithms
  • Hardware accelerated True Random Number Generator

Part numbers include: K32L2A31VLH1A, K32L2A31VLL1A, K32L2A41VLH1A, K32L2B11VFM0A, K32L2B11VFT0A, K32L2B11VLH0A, K32L2B11VMP0A, K32L2B21VFM0A, K32L2B21VFT0A, K32L2B21VLH0A, K32L2B21VMP0A, K32L2B31VFM0A, K32L2B31VFT0A, K32L2B31VLH0A, K32L2B31VMP0A, K32L2A41VLL1A.



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