Low Cost 32-Bit Microprocessor (Including HC000, HC001, EC000 and SEC000)

  • This page contains information on a product that is not recommended for new designs.

Product Details

Block Diagram

Low Cost 32-Bit Microprocessor Block Diagram

Low Cost 32-Bit Microprocessor Block Diagram


  • 32 Bit Data and Address Registers
  • 16 MByte Direct Addressing Range
  • 56 Powerful Instructions
  • Memory Mapped Input/Output
  • 14 Addressing Modes
  • 2 MIPS at 20MHz
  • Available in 8, 10, 12, 16 and 20 MHz speeds (MC68HC000 and MC68EC000)
  • Available in 10, 16 and 20 MHz speeds (MC68SEC000)
  • Available in 8, 10, 12 and 16 MHz speeds (MC68HC001)

Part numbers include: MC68SEC000AA10, MC68SEC000AA16, MC68SEC000AA20, MC68SEC000AA20B1, MC68SEC000AE10, MC68SEC000AE16, MC68SEC000AE20, MC68SEC000CAA10, MC68SEC000CAA16, MC68SEC000CAA20.



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