Tower System Development Board for Kinetis K26, K65 and K66 MCUs.
- TWR-K65F180M Tower System Module
- Quick start guide
- Supporting Cables
- Coin cell battery for VBAT power supply
The TWR-K65F180M is a development board for the Kinetis K26, K65 and K66 180 MHz 32-bit Arm® Cortex®-M4 MCUs. It features the Kinetis MK65FN2M0VMI18 low-power MCU with 2MB Flash, 256 KB SRAM, SDRAM Controller, HS USB and Ethernet MAC.
The TWR-K65F180M operates as a standalone debug tool and can also be combined and used as part of the modular Tower System development platform.
Tower System Development Board for Kinetis K26, K65 and K66 MCUs.
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