8-bit LCD GW MCUs

Block Diagram

NXP S08GW Microcontroller Block Diagram

Freescale S08GW Microcontroller Block Diagram


  • 20 MHz bus frequency S08 8-bit core
  • 64 KB and 32 KB flash options
  • 4 KB RAM
  • Two independent 16-bit SAR ADC with programmable delay block
  • Flexible LCD controller
    • Up to 288 segments
    • Regulated charge pump (contrast control)
  • Real-time clock with calendar, backup SRAM, calibration feature with tamper detection
  • Automatic meter reading (AMR) serial communication port
  • Position counter with automatic sensor decoding
  • 16/32-bit CRC with programmable G(x)
  • 64/80 LQFP package options

Part numbers include: MC9S08GW32CLH, MC9S08GW32CLK, MC9S08GW64CLH, MC9S08GW64CLK.



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