16-Bit Automotive Microcontroller

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Product Details

Block Diagram

Washer Machines Microcontrollers for M68HC05 Family Block Diagram

Washer Machines Microcontrollers for M68HC05 Family Block Diagram


  • 16-bit CPU12
  • Multiplexed bus
  • Memory
  • Two Analog-to-digital converters
  • Three 1M bit per second, CAN 2.0 A, B software compatible modules on the MC68HC912DT128A (two on the MC68HC912DG128A)
  • Enhanced capture timer (ECT)
  • 4 PWM channels with programmable period and duty cycle
  • Serial interfaces
  • LIM (lite integration module)
  • Two 8-bit ports with key wake-up interrupt
  • Clock generation
  • 112-Pin TQFP package

Part numbers include: MC912DT128ACPVE, MC912DT128AMPVE, MC912DT128AVPVE.



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