Flexis™ 32-Bit ColdFire®. V1 Microcontrollers

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Block Diagram

ColdFire MCF51JE Microcontroller Block Diagram

ColdFire MCF51JE Microcontroller Block Diagram


  • On-chip memory
    • Up to 256 KB flash
    • Up to 32 KB SRAM
    • Mini FlexBus (external bus interface)
  • Measurement engine unit
    • 12-bit SAR ADC-high resolution ADC
    • Programmable delay block
    • PRACMP - analog comparator with 5-bit DAC
    • Internal voltage reference
  • Communication peripherals
    • Up to 69 general-purpose input/outputs (GPIOs)
    • USB device/host/on-the-go controller
    • 2 x serial peripheral interface (SPI)
    • 2 x serial communication interface (SCI)
    • I²C
  • Timers
    • 2 x 4-channel timer
    • Pulse width modulator
    • Time of day module
    • Carrier modulator timer
  • System integration
    • 2 x keyboard interrupts (KBI)
    • Low-voltage indicator
    • Low-power stop 2 current:500 nA (32 KB of active SRAM)
  • This product is included in NXP’s product longevity program, with assured supply for a minimum of 15 years after launch

Part numbers include: MCF51JE128CLK, MCF51JE256CLK, MCF51JE256CLL, MCF51JE256VLK, MCF51JE256VLL.



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