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This page contains information on a product that is not recommended for new designs. The replacement for this product is the MIFARE Ultralight AES.
NXP® Semiconductors has developed the MIFARE Ultralight C - Contactless ticket IC MF0ICU2 to be used in a contactless smart ticket or smart card in combination with Proximity Coupling Devices (PCD). The communication layer (MIFARE® RF Interface) complies to parts 2 and 3 of the ISO/IEC 14443 Type-A standard. The MF0ICU2 is primarily designed for limited use applications such as public transport, event ticketing, and loyalty applications.
In the MIFARE system, the MF0ICU2 is connected to a coil with a few turns. The MF0ICU2 fits for the TFC.0 (Edmonson) and TFC.1 ticket formats as defined in EN 753-2.
TFC.1 ticket formats are supported by the MF0xxU20 chip featuring an on-chip resonance capacitor of 16 pF.
The smaller TFC.0 tickets are supported by the MFxxU21 chip holding an on-chip resonance capacitor of 50 pF.
When the ticket is positioned in the proximity of the coupling device (PCD) antenna, the high-speed RF communication interface allows the transmission of the data with a baud rate of 106 kbit/s.
An intelligent anti-collision function allows operating more than one card in the field simultaneously. The anti-collision algorithm selects each card individually and ensures that the execution of a transaction with a selected card is performed correctly without interference from another card in the field.
The anti-collision function is based on an IC individual serial number called Unique IDentification. The UID of the MF0ICU2 is 7 bytes long and supports cascade level 2 according to ISO/IEC 14443-3.
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