Kinetis® KW2xD-2.4 GHz 802.15.4 Wireless Radio Microcontroller (MCU) based on Arm® Cortex®-M4 Core

Block Diagram

Kinetis W Series KW2x MCUs Block Diagram

Kinetis W Series KW2x MCUs Block Diagram


Processing Performance

  • Up to 50 MHz Arm® Cortex®-M4 core with 16-channel-DMA


  • 512 KB Flash and 64 KB RAM or
  • 256 KB Flash and 32 KB RAM with:
    • 64K FlexNVM (MKW21D256 only) and
    • 4k bytes of enhanced EEPROM/FlexRAM


  • SPI (1)
  • UART (2)
  • I²C (2)
  • USB FS OTG (KW22 and KW24)

Mixed Signal

  • 8-channel 16-bit SAR ADC
  • 6-bit DA

Security and tamper detect

  • Cryptography Acceleration Unit (CAU)
  • AES encryption (FIPS 140)
  • External tamper detect
  • 32-bit CRC

RF Features

  • Highly integrated 2.4 GHz RF transceiver
  • 802.15.4 Packet processor
  • Supports single ended and diversity antennas
  • Dual PAN support
  • Programmable output power -30 to +8 dBm
  • Sensitivity -102 dBm
  • TX 17mA @ 0dBm (CPU sleep)
  • RX 19mA (CPU sleep)

Low Power operation

  • 1.8 to 3.6 volts
  • Low-voltage detection
  • Multiple low power modes


  • Real-Time Clock (RTC)
  • In-circuit debug and Flash programming
  • Up to 24 GPIO
  • Multiple KBI
  • Operating temperature of –40°C to 105°C

Part numbers include: MKW21D256VHA5, MKW21D512VHA5, MKW22D512VHA5, MKW24D512VHA5.



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