A3V07H600-42N 616-870 MHz, 112 W Avg., 48 V Airfast® RF Power LDMOS Transistor

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Product Details


  • Advanced high performance in-package Doherty
  • Greater negative gate-source voltage range for improved Class C operation
  • Designed for digital predistortion error correction systems
  • RoHS compliant

Part numbers include: A3V07H600-42N.

RF Performance Table

717-768 MHz

Typical Doherty Single-Carrier W-CDMA Performance: VDD = 48 Vdc, IDQA = 900 mA, VGSB = VGSC = 1.0 Vdc(1), Pout = 112 W Avg., Input Signal PAR = 9.9 dB @ 0.01% Probability on CCDF.(2)

Frequency Gps
Output PAR
717 MHz16.952.88.0–30.7
742 MHz17.051.38.1–32.0
768 MHz17.151.87.7–32.4

616-870 MHz(3)

Typical Doherty Single-Carrier W-CDMA Performance: VDD = 48 Vdc, IDQA = 900 mA, VGSB = VGSC = 1.1 Vdc(1), Pout = 112 W Avg., Input Signal PAR = 9.9 dB @ 0.01% Probability on CCDF.

Frequency Gps
Output PAR
616 MHz18.245.47.7–32.4
632 MHz18.547.17.7–31.9
650 MHz18.747.77.8–31.0
717 MHz19.144.48.3–36.2
732 MHz19.143.48.5–38.3
750 MHz19.242.98.5–39.5
840 MHz19.144.98.1–33.3
850 MHz18.743.98.1–32.7
860 MHz18.442.88.0–32.6
870 MHz18.041.77.8–32.4

1. VGSB = VGSC = peaking bias voltage.
2. All data measured in fixture with device soldered to heatsink.
3. Fixture designed with a wideband match.



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