S12H Automotive and Industrial Microcontrollers (MCUs)

  • The\n 112LQFP package version of this device is not recommended for new designs. New\n designs requiring a 112LQFP package should refer to the MC9S12HZ128.

Product Details


  • HCS12 Core
  • CRG (low current oscillator, PLL, reset, clocks, COP watchdog, real time interrupt, clock monitor)
  • 8-bit and 4-bit ports with interrupt functionality
  • 128K Flash EEPROM, 4K byte EEPROM, 6K byte RAM
  • 10-Bit 16-Channel Analog-to-Digital Converter
  • Two 1M bit per second, CAN 2.0 A, B software compatible modules
  • 16-Bit 8-Channel Timer
  • 6 PWM channels (8-bit 6-channel or 16-bit 3-channel)
  • Serial interfaces: SCI, SPI, IIC
  • Liquid Crystal Display driver with variable input voltage, Configurable for up to 32 frontplanes and 4 backplanes or general purpose input or output
  • 24 high current drivers suited for PWM motor control



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