S12ZVL Mixed-Signal MCU for Automotive and Industrial LIN Applications

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Block Diagram

S12 MagniV Mixed-Signal MCU for LIN Applications Block Diagram

S12 MagniV Mixed-Signal MCU for LIN Applications


  • S12Z core - 32 MHz bus speed
  • Up to 128 KB Flash (with ECC)
  • High temperature (up to 150º C ambient)
  • Up to 2KB EEPROM (with ECC)
  • Up to 8 KB RAM (with ECC)
  • Analog comparator and DAC
  • PGA
  • 12V Vreg to supply device + ext comp- 70mA total (170mA with ext. Ballast)
  • LIN physical layer
  • On-chip RC-oscillator trimmed to 1.3% accuracy, no ext xtal required on LIN

Part numbers include: S912ZVLA12F0MFM, S912ZVLA12F0MLC, S912ZVLA12F0MLF, S912ZVLA12F0WLF, S912ZVLA64F0MLF, S9S12ZVL16F0CLC, S9S12ZVL16F0VLC, S9S12ZVL32F0MLC, S9S12ZVL32F0MLF, S9S12ZVL32F0VLF, S9S12ZVL32F0WLF, S9S12ZVLS3F0MFM.



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