Flexis 32-Bit ColdFire® V1 Microcontroller

Block Diagram

ColdFire MCF51QE Microcontroller Block Diagram

ColdFire MCF51QE Microcontroller Block Diagram


  • 50 MHz ColdFire V1 core /25 MHz bus speed
  • Up to 128 KB flash memory
  • Up to 8 KB random access memory (RAM)
  • 1.8 to 3.6-volt operating voltage range
  • Loop-control oscillator
  • Highly accurate internal clock (ICS)
  • Single-wire background debug interface
  • Up to 70 general-purpose input/output (GPIO) ports, plus 16 bits of rapid GPIO
  • 16 keyboard interrupt (KBI) pins
  • -40°C to +85°C temperature range
  • Pin compatibility in 64- and 80-pin LQFP packages
  • Common development tools including CodeWarrior® for microcontrollers 6.0
  • Peripherals
    • 24-channel, 12-bit ADC
    • 2 analog comparators
    • 2 Serial communications interface (SCI/UART)
    • 2 serial peripheral interface (SPI)
    • 2 I²C
  • Timers
    • One 16-bit, 6-channel timer
    • Two 16-bit, 3-channel timer
    • Input capture, output compare and pulse width modulation for improved motor control
    • Real time clock
  • Low-Power Benefits
    • Low-power run and wait modes that enable reduced current and reduced speed modes for peripherals
    • Run currents
      • 27 mA (50 MHz CPU, 3-volt VDD )
      • 50 μA (32 KHz CPU, 3-volt VDD)
    • Two ultra-low power stop modes
      • Stop 2 - 600 nA
      • Stop 3 - 800 nA
    • Fast start-up from stop mode (6 μs)
    • Flash programming from 1.8 to 3.6-volts
    • Low-power ADC
    • Flexible clock modules
  • The MCF51EM32/128 is included in NXP®.s product longevity program, with assured supply for a minimum of 10 years after launch

Part numbers include: MCF51QE128CLH, MCF51QE128CLK, MCF51QE32CLH, MCF51QE32LH, MCF51QE64CLH, MCF51QE96CLH, MCF51QE96CLK.



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