Ultra-Reliable MPC577xK MCU for ADAS and Radar

  • This page contains information on a product that is not recommended for new designs.

Block Diagram

MPC577xK Block Diagram

MPC5xxx 32-bit MCU for ADAS Applications


  • Processing cores: 2 x e200z7 (266 MHz)
  • Functional Safety core2: e200z4 in lockstep (133 MHz)
  • Signal processing toolbox (SPT): FFT accelerator, DMA
  • ADC Input: 8 x SD - 10 MHz, 4x 12-bit SAR -1 MHz
  • DAC: 2 Ms/s 8-bit DAC
  • Ethernet, FlexRay, LFAST
  • NVM: 4 MB with ECC
  • SRAM: 1.5 MB with ECC
  • External memory support: 16-bit PDI
  • CTU, IIC, SENT, FlexPWM, LinFlex, dSPI, eTimers, CAN FD, SWT, STM


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