Ultra-Reliable MPC567xK MCU for Automotive and Industrial Radar Applications

Block Diagram

MPC567xK Microcontroller Block Diagram

MPC567xK Microcontroller Block Diagram



  • High-performance 180 MHz 32-bit core built on Power Architecture® technology with variable length encoding (VLE)
  • Memory management unit (MMU) with 32-entry fully associative translation lookaside buffer (TLB)
  • SPE (signal processing extension): DSP, SIMD and floating point capabilities


  • Up to 2 MB flash with error correcting codes (ECC)
  • 4 x 16 KB EEPROM flash with ECC
  • Up to 512 KB SRAM with ECC
  • Dual crossbar with MPUs


  • 4 x FlexCAN (32 message buffers each)
  • 1 x FlexRay™ (64 message buffers)
  • 1 x fast Ethernet controller
  • 4 x LINFlex (SCI)
  • 3 x IIC
  • 3 x DSPI
  • 3 x flexPWM (3 x 12 channels)
  • 3 x eTimer (3 x 6 channels)
  • Quad ADC (11 channels each, 12-bit)
  • 2 x CTU
  • External bus interface (follower only)
  • Parallel digital interface
  • MDDR interface

Part numbers include: ESPC5675KFF0MMM2, SPC5673KF0VMM1, SPC5674KF0VMS2, SPC5674KFF0MMS2, SPC5674KFF0VMS2, SPC5675KF0MMM2, SPC5675KF0MMS2, SPC5675KF0VMS2, SPC5675KFF0MMS2, SPC5675KFF0VMM2, SPC5675KFF0VMS2.



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