The MCX C04x microcontrollers, featuring an Arm® Cortex®-M0+ core, offer 32 KB Flash, 2 KB SRAM, and 8 KB boot ROM. Designed as entry-level MCUs, they prioritize simplicity and ease of use for a variety of applications. Key peripherals include a 12-bit ADC, comparator and multiple-channel timer/PWM modules. The enhanced low-power architecture ensures efficiency, with static power consumption as low as 2.2 μA and a 7.5 μs wake-up time for full retention. In deep sleep, static mode power consumption drops to just 77 nA. This series supports scalable memory options and flexible packaging, accommodating diverse application needs.
The MCX C04x series is supported by the MCUXpresso Developer Experience to optimize, ease and help accelerate embedded system development.
Part numbers include: MCXC041VFG, MCXC041VFK.
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