S12B Automotive and Industrial Microcontrollers (MCUs)

Product Details


  • Upward compatible with M68HC11 instruction set
  • PLL circuit
  • Interrupt stacking and programmer's model identical to M68HC11
  • Instruction pipe
  • Enhanced indexed addressing
  • Multiplexed External Bus
  • Analog-to-Digital Converter
  • One 1M bit per second, CAN 2.0 A, B software compatible module
  • Up to 256K byte Flash EEPROM
  • Up to 2K byte EEPROM
  • Up to 8K byte RAM

Part numbers include: MC9S12B128CFUE, MC9S12B128CPVE, MC9S12B256MFUE, MC9S12B64CFUE, MC9S12B64MPVE, S9S12B128F0CFUE, S9S12B128F0CPVE, S9S12B128J3CPVE, S9S12B128J3VFUE, S9S12B256F0CPVE, S9S12B256F0VPVE, S9S12B96F0CFUE, S9S12B96F0CPVE.



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