S32R41 High-Performance Processor for High-Resolution Radar
The PF5103 is a multi-channel PMIC device designed to be used for automotive safety and industrial applications. The PF5103 is configurable making it a great companion and fit for various system level power requirements.
Integrated voltage monitoring circuits ensure compliance with ISO 26262 standard and functional safety ASIL B level. The PF5103 is available as a standard non-safety device for applications that don't require the ISO 26262 compliance.
The PF5103 is suitable for the application that requires multi power supply, including infotainment, ADAS, vision and radar as a companion to another NXP PMIC a SBC like the FS8x family.
This device is suitable for S32R processors-based applications.
S32R41 High-Performance Processor for High-Resolution Radar
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