S12C Automotive and Industrial Microcontrollers (MCUs)

Block Diagram

S12C Microcontroller Block Diagram

S12C Microcontroller Block Diagram


  • 16-bit HCS12 CPU
  • Multiplexed external bus
  • 128 KB flash EEPROM
  • 4 KB RAM
  • 8-channel ADC, 10-bit resolution
  • 1 Mbps, CAN 2.0 A, B software compatible module
  • SCI, SPI
  • 8-channel 16-bit TIM
  • 6-channel 8-bit PWM

Part numbers include: MC9S12C128CFAE, MC9S12C128CFUE, MC9S12C128CPBE, MC9S12C128MFAE, MC9S12C128MFUE, MC9S12C128MPBE, MC9S12C128VFUE, MC9S12C32CFAE16, MC9S12C32CFAE25, MC9S12C32CFUE16, MC9S12C32CFUE25, MC9S12C32CPBE25, MC9S12C32MFAE16, MC9S12C32MFAE25, MC9S12C32MFUE16, MC9S12C32MFUE25, MC9S12C32MPBE25, MC9S12C32VFAE16, MC9S12C32VFAE25, MC9S12C32VFUE16, MC9S12C32VPBE16, MC9S12C64CFAE, MC9S12C64CFUE, MC9S12C64CPBE, MC9S12C64MFAE, MC9S12C64MFUE, MC9S12C64MPBE, MC9S12C64VFAE, MC9S12C64VFUE, MC9S12C96CFAE, MC9S12C96CFUE, MC9S12C96MFAE, MC9S12C96VPBE, S9S12C128F0VFUE, S9S12C32F1VFA1E, S9S12C64F0CFAE, S9S12C64F0CPBE, S9S12C64F0VFAE, S9S12C64J2CFAE, S9S12C64J2MFUE, S9S12C96J2CFAE.



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