Multifrequency Integrated Reader Solution

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Product Details

Block Diagram

PR601 Block diagram

PR601 Block diagram


  • Includes NXP’s intellectual property licensing rights (required for ISO/IEC 14443A implementation)
  • The PRH601 is integrating multiple functions in a single small formfactor package
  • Reduced PCB size for development of systems with small physical dimensions
  • Multi frequence reader support available in single package
  • Integrated microcontroller allows implementation of customer firmware
  • Fast and cost-efficient NFC design startup

Target Applications

  • Small formfactor access systems
  • Industrial devices with high RF performance requirements
  • Multi frequency applications with 125 kHz and 13.56 MHz support


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Design Files


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3 hardware offerings

  • NFC Extender Antenna Kit
    Test Accessories and Debugger

    NFC Extender Antenna Kit

  • 13.56 MHz Field Strength Probe
    Test Accessories and Debugger

    13.56 MHz Field Strength Probe

  • NFC WLC Technology Elements

    NFC WLC Technology Elements


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2 software files

Note: For better experience, software downloads are recommended on desktop.

Engineering Services

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