Ultra-Reliable MPC5674F MCU for Automotive and Industrial Engine Management

Block Diagram

MPC5674F Microcontroller Block Diagram

MPC5674F Microcontroller Block Diagram


  • Power Architecture® 200z7 core at 264 MHz
    • SIMD module for DSP and floating point operations
    • Variable length encoding (VLE)
  • 4 MB flash memory with error correcting codes (ECC)
  • 256 KB data RAM with ECC
  • 64-channel dual eTPU2 with 30K SRAM
  • 64-channel quad analog-to-digital converter (ADC)
  • Dual-channel FlexRayTM controller
  • On-chip regulator for standby voltage
  • This product is included in NXP product longevity program, with assured supply for a minimum of 15 years after launch

Part numbers include: SPC5673FF3MVR2, SPC5673FF3MVR3, SPC5673FF3MVV2, SPC5673FF3MVY2, SPC5673FK0MVR2, SPC5673FK0MVV2, SPC5674FAMVR3, SPC5674FAMVY3, SPC5674FF3MVR3, SPC5674FF3MVV3, SPC5674FF3MVY3, SPC5674FK0MVR3, SPC5674FK0MVV3, SPC5674FK0MVY3.



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